Change for the Better

"New year, New me" (Hahaha, Sounds familiar hmmm......? The new year resolution! The personal claim we all tend to make. It's become more like a greeting card that we buy for ourselves on New Years Eve and we only open it later that year at Christmas time. We look at the list of things we wanted to do, that we should have done, but we just didn't get around to that list. We feel let down by ourselves, disappointed and sooo... upset, that on the following New Years Eve we buy a new card and start a new list, only to repeat the cycle.

Why do we do this, just to see how upset we can actually get? I don't think so, I believe we really want to achieve that wish list, and therein lies the problem. It's a wish list! We want changed results, but we have not changed our thoughts, beliefs, habits, associations or activities. We still use our energy and time the same way, and expect different results.

How about this, just for fun? This time we don't write a wish list that we only open at Christmas time, but rather we come up with a list of real goals. Plus we make the effort to change for the better so that we can actually accomplish those goals. We make the effort because we are worth it, YES YOU ARE! Look I get it, I know it's not easy, but it is simple. Life changes the moment you change.

Live well and live happily!


Toxic Relationships